Book Yoga Classes in MOrzine

And online meditations

Book a Yoga Class

Class Prices:

  • Class Price: 15€

  • Card of 10 classes — 100€*

    *payable by cash or transfer upon request. Redeemable for one season. That’s 50 bucks off!

  • Or pay what you can (see note below** — redeem coupon ‘PWYC’)

  • Workshop prices: see specific event.

  • Online meditations: 25€ monthly donation

Yoga mats are available in the studio, or you can bring your own.

Please arrive 5-10 minutes early to set up.

Classes are held at Fat Fox Lodge - 42 Chemin du Plene, Montriond.

Please park on the main road— chalet parking during the season is for guests of the Fat Fox.

For class descriptions, click here.

**Listen— I do not ever want someone to not attend class because they feel they cannot afford it. If you can’t afford class right now but really want to practice, please come. 5€ is enough, and if you’re really hard up right now, come for free. I mean it. I’d rather have bodies in class than bills in the box.

To book a therapy consultation, please email me here.